Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Victorious Living!

You were created to live VICTORIOUSLY! Have you ever pondered the character of the one who took their time to create and form you? Did you consider the time, thought, effort and consideration that went into your development? The one who created you is a CHAMPION. An intelligent, wise, and master craftsman. Think about the intricate details of the human brain, only an amazing genius (and that's saying it so lightly)could create something so spectacular. Your creator is creative, bold, strong, powerful, dynamic, and marvelous. You were created in this same image! You weren't created to live any other way than VICTORIOUSLY!!!! Live your life knowing that you were created to WIN. Opposition will come but WINNERS train, prepare and condition themselves for VICTORY. Even if they don't quiet reach the expected goal, winners go back to the drawing board analyze their actions and make the necessary changes to WIN. Winners don't have a quitters mindset, it's simply not in their thought process. Winners study the game. Winners hang around other winners. Winners are positive people. Winners are achievers. Winners have a relationship with the coach. Your creator is a WINNER; get acquainted with Yeshua! #WIN! Stay Calm & Sparkle, Niki Flow

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